Everyone is Welcome at St. Stephen's


Worship is something we strive to do well at Saint Stephen’s. We worship together as a community through common prayer.

We believe that Love and reconciliation are the cornerstones of a Christian community and we put God’s Love at the center of our sermons and lessons. Our liturgy is rich and deeply infused with meaning, symbolism and diversity. 

Because we are a small congregation…what we call a family size church…our worship and activities are more family focused than the larger congregations. Larger congregations tend to focus on programs and activities are more focused toward subgroups, by age or interest.

Everyone is welcome at Saint Stephen’s and we believe that hospitality is at the heart of being a beloved child of God. We would love to welcome you and your family to worship with our Church family!

9:15 AM Christian Education

10:30 AM Worship: Holy Eucharist, Rite II



We encourage parents to bring their children to attend church services with them, especially at the 10:30 service.

A nursery for infants through kindergarten is also available for the 10:30 worship service.. Because we do not have children that age at the services, it is very helpful to let the staff know one (1) day in advance that you will need this service so arrangements can be made. If you leave your child in the nursery, we encourage you pick up him/her during the exchange of the peace, before Holy Communion, so that your family may celebrate the Eucharist together. The nursery is convenient to the worship area.
Each Sunday during the 10:30 service, children K-6 have a class available during the first half of the worship service. The teacher will bring them back, during the exchange of the Peace, to join their family for the Eucharist.